Global Supply Chain Mega Trends 2010 - 2011

>> Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We are pleased to announce the launch of 'Log4scm Quest' with special issue on '
Global Supply Chain Mega trends 2010 - 2011. This e-magazine can be downloaded by clicking here

For the last couple of years Supply Chain has matured so have its complexities. Considered often as a soft skill, Supply Chain management, on the contrary, is an engineering activity, as much as manufacturing or IT development. This activity requires not only extensive training and skilled people to be carried out efficiently but also trust among the different partners in the chain. That’s the most difficult aspect of Supply Chain management: partners need to trust each others, to share data or even invest in common systems. This trust issue is often the foot trap which blocks, for instance, the development of 3rd PL. 3rd PL need to invest in heavy IT system interconnected with their customer’s systems to provide up to date services but contracts are challenged every 2 years. This is far shorter than the breakeven point, impeding the development of long and fruitful relationship between 3rd PL and orders givers.

There are several aspects of supply chain interaction that have been identified in supply chain trends over the last few decades. The mega-trends reflect fundamental paradigm shifts exhibited by leading firms as they transform their supply chain capabilities to accommodate the long-term transition from an industrial to an Scientific Technology driven society. These mega-trends imply substantial change in logistics practices between supply chain partners as they struggle to establish efficient, effective, and relevant product/service solutions for end-customers. The mega-trends discussed in this paper identify some critical dimensions of change relevant to supply chain value creation.

Well, we have tried to create an enabling environment for the supply chain sector so as to equip supply chain strategists with the changing market trends which could affect them in future. Moreover supply chain is considered secondary focus. We hope Log4scm Quest will create value addition in bringing supply chain in centre stage in companies’ strategic business planning.


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